Scholarship in India
Scholarship in India (scholarshipinindia.com.bd) is a nongovernment, not-for-profit, and non-commercial online-based informative website for International students. The goal of the Scholarship in India website is to represent the most accurate and unbiased opportunities for international students to study in India. There are various scholarship facilities for international students to study in India. We regularly try to publish all possible scholarship information for international students to study in India.
Every year thousands of international students from Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Myanmar, Maldives, Afghanistan, the Middle East, Gulf countries, African countries, and Latin American countries want to study in India. A significant portion of them are unaware of the scholarships offered by the Government of India and various educational institutions. We believe that those who follow our website regularly will get the opportunity to study in India with the desired scholarship facility. Therefore, we sincerely request students and all concerned to visit our website www.scholarshipinindia.com.bd on a regular basis.
University Scholarship in India
University Scholarship in India under the Self-Financing Scheme is one of the most attractive offers for international students interested in studying in India. Under this scholarship, a student from any country of the world gets the opportunity to study in an educational institution of his choice and with full or partial scholarship in the desired subject. It is best for a financially solvent student to study in this category. Such students will get proper advice from the Scholarship in India team.
ICCR Scholarship to Study in India
Highly talented and financially disadvantaged international students can apply for the ICCR Scholarship to study in India. It is a fully funded scholarship for international students awarded by the Government of India under the Indian Council for Cultural Relations - ICCR. Anyone may apply to study a undergraduate, postgraduate, or Ph.D. course in India except MBBS, BDS, MD, and MS courses. This is the most prestigious scholarship awarded by the Government of India. The scholarship in India team is completely unable to assist international students with ICCR Scholarship Scheme. To apply for ICCR Scholarship, students are advised to follow the ICCR Scholarship website and guidelines.
SII Scholarship to Study in India
SII (Study in India) Scholarship is a partial or fully funded scholarship for International students to study in India. SII Scholarship is awarded by the Government of India. An international student may take advantage of this scholarship by appearing PRAGATII examination. However, this scholarship covers only a certain amount per year for each selected student. We encourage international students to follow the Study in India website to get all updated information from time to time. We are unable to assist any applicants in this regard.
AYUSH Scholarship to Study in India
International students wishing to pursue a traditional Undergraduate and Postgraduate course in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy in India may apply for the AYUSH Scholarship. This is a fully funded scholarship awarded by the Government of India. 'Scholarship in India' is unable to assist any applicant regarding this.
Meet with an Indian Education Expert at 'Scholarship in India' offices across the world for availing university scholarships in India. Follow our website, Facebook Page and Facebook Group for regular updates.
Website: www.scholarshipinindia.com.bd
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/scholarshipinindia.com.bd
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/scholarshipinindia
Important Note
The Scholarship in India website (www.scholarshipinindia.com.bd) is an individual entity. We do not have a relationship with any government or government bodies. Therefore, readers are advised to consider the content of this website as our personal entity.