IndSAT Course for SII Scholarship
The IndSAT course for SII Scholarship applicants will begin in GEE Bangladesh office from the 1st February 2021. Registration is open for Bangladeshi candidates till 25 January 2021.
Benefits of IndSAT Course
The Indian Scholastic Assessment Test - IndSAT score is mandatory for the International students for pursuing higher education in India under the Study in India Scholarship Scheme.
Modules of IndSAT
(a) Verbal Reasoning - 40 Marks
Reading comprehension, Fill in the blanks, Grammar, Paragraph completion and inference, Parajumbles, Analogies, Antonyms, Synonyms, One-word substitution, Sentence correction, Idioms & Phrases.
(b) Quantitative Aptitude - 25 Marks
Algebra, Averages, Equations - Linear & Quadratic, Geometry, HCF & LCM, Number System, Partnership, Percentages, Progressions - Arithmetic, Geometry, Profit and Loss, Ratios and Proportions, Time-Speed-Distance, Work and Time, Interest.
(c) Logical Reasoning - 25 Marks
Seating Arrangements, Blood Relations, Direction sense, Series/Sequencing, Syllogism, Venn diagrams, Rankings, Puzzles, Coding & Decoding.
If you are an international student and seeking entry to Indian higher education institutions under the Study in India Scholarship scheme, you have to have a good score in IndSAT.
Helpline: +88 01712571098
Last Modified: 20 January, 2021